he day 7 and BBICC was coming to an end. Time flies when you’re having fun! I remember getting up that day with special energy because I wanted to use the last day the best way that I could. I suited up and went to the hotel.
My team was already awake and they were rehearsing all morning for their presentation.
Full of positive energy and confidence, focused, committed … And all that after 3 solved cases and sleepless nights.
I still remember the way they presented their solution, how they answered all questions during Q&A session and how great they seemed as a team. To be honest I didn’t think that I would be able to bond with a group of people in such a short amount of time, but during that week I really felt like part of the team and we were together in all ups and downs.
The competition was really tough and unfortunately they didn’t make it to the finale, but I am proud of them and what they accomplished. In those seven days I had a chance to learn so much from them.
At the finals, you could feel the excitement in the air! When every jury member was introduced I was so impressed, but I felt nervous for the teams that were about to present. All the previous presentations were done in front of a smaller jury and a few people in the audience. Now, in the finals, the best four teams had to present their solutions on stage in front of a huge audience and a big jury. The finalist teams went up on stage on by one and delivered their amazing presentations.
The teams were incredible, their solutions were impressive and the Q&A session was fascinating.
After all the teams presented we were waiting for the members of the jury to decide who would be the winner of BBICC 2019. You could feel the tension in the air. I was happy that I wasn’t in the jury’s shoes, because I wouldn’t know how to pick a winner among such great teams. The winner announcement started and the room went went silent. Every time a team’s name was called out you could hear applause and cheering in the room.
Finally the winning team was announced! “And the winner of BBICC 2019 is Wilfrid Laurier University!” The level of energy, excitement and happiness in that one room was surreal.
Now we could all celebrate and enjoy ourselves at the Gala Dinner. After the Gala dinner, the teams, the advisors and the organizing committee all went to a party to celebrate another great competition.
It’s hard to describe how grateful I am that I had a chance to be an ambassador for SFU, to spend time and become friends with Idrina, Stefanie, Louisa, Liam and their great advisor Matt. We had so much fun together and made great memories. I really wish that week could last forever.
BBICC was really a life changing experience. It feels great to be surrounded by so many young, talented people and to learn about their cultures and traditions. BBICC is full of special energy that leaves a big mark on you and it will always have a special place in my heart.