he fourth day of BBICC was the day the second mini case was introduced to the competitors. The day ran smoothly, with the same routine as the previous day.
Everyone’s excitement and positivity were filling the room as the teams were getting ready to work on the case study for the following five hours.
When I had entered my team’s room to give them the mini case the atmosphere was not as I expected it to be. Instead of being nervous and tension flying in the air, they were laughing and enjoying casual conversation.
Then the hardest part for me started, my 5-hour shift in front of their room, in case they needed anything during case cracking or if they just wanted to go for a quick walk. But, to be completely honest, even those 5 hours went by very quickly because of the great chemistry between all of the ambassadors and all the fun we were constantly having on our WhatsApp group.
Once they finished solving the case and creating their presentation, the level of nervousness was high, as the teams didn’t know what to expect from the presentations that would follow.
I watched my team present their solution and I was so amazed by how much they accomplished in so little time.
After all the work was done, everyone headed to join the cocktail party and cool off from all the work that was done that day. All the laughter, exchange of opinions and interesting conversations were a great reward and an opportunity for everybody to enjoy each other’s company after a hard day of solving the case study. The results disappointed some and surprised others, but at the end of the day everyone ended up congratulating each other and being in a positive competitive spirit.
This was such an inspiring environment to be in.
The only difference this time, compared to the day before, was that you could feel their excitement for the big case and the grand finale.
The cocktail finished earlier and everyone left to get the final preparations ready and a good night sleep that would be much needed the following day. The hotel lobby was quieter than any day before. I sat down and took a big breath. You could feel that something big was coming!